Resource Innovation and Technical Advances in the Specialty Chemicals Sector

19-20th June 2024, Messe Düsseldorf, Germany

In the modern world alternative disruptive process technologies coupled with alternative sources of chemicals and materials are being explored to improve processes by replacing hard-target materials or traditional production processes, or both. Particular attention has been paid to extracting value from waste (especially materials that pollute the environment) and to recycling/ reusing/ repurposing activities which offer many extra benefits, ranging from a cheaper source of key precursor compounds to completely new processing technologies. In other areas the study of natural resource utilisation to access novel chemistry offers an attractive alternative to current practices.

This two-day international symposium organised by the RSC Specialty Chemicals Sector will be held in conjunction with the Chemspec Europe 2024 exhibition, organised by Mack Brooks Exhibitions Group.

There will be a programme of internationally acclaimed speakers, mostly from industries and organisations making pioneering advances in the science, understanding and development of new approaches to processing and synthesis.

Day 1 – Wednesday 19th June
Session 1Chair: Sarah Hickingbottom, Futurebridge
10:00 – 10:30“How to speed up API development using flow chemistry”
Dr Guillaume Gauron, EMEA Technical Sales Manager Reactor Technologies, Corning SAS
10:30 – 11:00“Exploring Efficient Routes for Precious Metals Recovery from Complex Homogeneous Systems”
Dr Steve Colley, Technical Director, Mastermelt Ltd
11:00 – 11:30“A Case Study on Sonichem’s Ultrasonic Fractionation of Biomass”
Miranda Lindsay-Fynn, Commercial Director, Sonichem
Session 2
12:00 – 12:30“Continuous Processing for a Continuous Future: ETERNAL’s Sustainable Practices”
Paz Sebastia-Luna, AIMPLAS – Technological Institute of Plastics
12:30 – 13:00“Batch-to-Continuous Case Studies for Specialty Chemical Manufacturing”
Ben Egelske, Sr. Chemical Engineer, Applied Catalysts
Session 3
14:00 – 14:30“Black Powders & Spheres: Precious Metal Catalysts for Efficient Production of Value-Added Chemicals”
Artur Gantarev, Global Technical Sales Manager –Chemical Catalysts, Heraeus Precious Metals GmbH
14:30 – 15:00“Visualized whole system understanding for Resource Innovation in Speciality Chemicals”
Robert H. Peeling, Britest Limited
15:00 – 15:30“A practical toolbox for deprotection and fluorination of organic molecules”
Dr Lorenzo Orsini, R&D Director, Alkeemia
15:30 – 16:00“Ethenolysis as a new tool for the chemical industry”
Dr Andreas Kohl, Head of Specialty Chemicals and Catalysts, Verbio SE
Day 1 Close
Day 2 – Thursday 20th June
Session 4
10:00 – 10:30“Odour profiling of samples to optimise the prototyping design and production process of hotmelt

Rita Ribau Domingues, Senior Consultant, Olfasense GmbH
10:30 – 11:00“Supply Chain Resilience Realised using Continuous Manufacturing & Decentralised Production”
Dr Charlotte Wiles, Chemtrix BV
11:00 – 11:30“Developing new manufacturing processes with ‘old’ enzymes”
Dr Marc Hayes, Senior Business Development Manager, Enzymaster Deutschland GmbH
Session 5
12:00 – 12:30“Continuous production of a functional consumer care product through process innovation”
Professor Xiong-Wei Ni, FIChemE, FRSC, Founder and CSO, NiTech Solutions Ltd
12:30 – 13:00“The use of alternative sources of energy in flow chemistry and the development of automatized
microfluidic systems for the high-throughput synthesis of active ingredients”

Julien DAUBIGNARD, Ing., PhD, Institut Carnot IPGG Microfluidique
13:00 – 13:30“Flow chemistry as a process technology in industry – Miprowa reactors revolutionize chemical processes”
Dr. Rafael Kuwertz, Ehrfeld Mikrotechnik GmbH
Day 2 Close