The Speciality Chemicals Sector (SCS) of the Royal Society of Chemistry was formed in 1995 and aims to highlight industrial advances in speciality, fine and performance chemicals and to promote their development, application and use.  This is achieved primarily by the organisation of international conferences on emerging or rapidly changing areas of chemistry and technology relevant to both its industrial and academic members.

The Sector activities are coordinated by a committee of members who meet twice a year. The committee sets the conference programme and supports educational activities through its RSC SCS Education Grants Scheme.

The SCS has about 300 members who receive information on future events as well as reports on past activities. Members are encouraged to join the committee, contribute ideas, or help run a conference.

Our Conferences

The SCS organises 2-3 international conferences a year normally in conjunction with other relevant bodies and co-opted industrial and academic experts. Some conference partners in addition to other RSC sector groups, include:-

– British Association for Chemical Specialities (BACS)
– European Oilfield Speciality Chemicals Association (EOSCA)
– Knowledge Transfer Network (KTN)
– Green Chemistry Network (GCN)
– Mack Brooks (organisers of Chemspec Europe)
– Society of Chemical Industry (SCI)

Conferences range from the long running Chemistry in the Oil Industry series and the two day annual RSC Symposium at Chemspec Europe to other specific conferences on product/application areas, process development, scale up and emerging technologies.

Our Educational Activities

We promote chemistry through supporting talks and demonstrations in primary and secondary schools, the support of science weeks and science fairs, science web sites, events staged by local sections, and activities for schools run by external organizations such as the Catalyst Science Discovery Centre.

A major project in the International Year of Chemistry 2011 was the production of Primary Science a series of videos showing primary school teachers how to carry out safely 20 scientific experiments with their pupils.